Sunday School Departments

  • Christian Formation


  • Sunday School (Standing Organization)


  • Adult Sunday School


  • Vacation Bible School


  • The Friday School

The Friday School is an award winning programme of the Church of Christ the King. It was started by a parishioner sadly now deceased, Mrs. Mavis Brown over twenty years ago.   It started with a roll of ten children and reached as high as fifty children weekly. Basically the programme has taken the form of a Sunday school held on a Friday evening. The church as has made a decision for her ministry to continue.


  • CTK Boom Whackers

The Boomwhacker instruments are brightly coloured, plastic tubes tuned by length to musical notes. Around the world, the instruments are recognized as an exciting way for young children to learn about music. The CTK Boomwhackers, a group of 6 to 12 year olds, was formed in October 2008 with thirteen members and is now twenty two members strong, in two levels. The group has performed at its church and other events in the Diocese. The Christ the King Boomwhackers is directed by Mrs. Ayo Burrowes, herself a former member of a CTK music ensemble.

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